
Condivisione rubrica mozilla

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Versione del 8 ott 2012 alle 23:42 di CarolButler (discussione | contributi) (minor updates)
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Mozilla e Thunderbird: condividere rubrica con altri utenti di altri PC

La mia esigenza è sostanzialmente la condivisione delle rubriche con altri utenti senza dover installare/configurare un server LDAP.


Inserire le rubriche aziendali in una condivisione samba di un server linux, e consentire agli utenti che operano su postazioni windows di poter consultare le rubriche condivise utilizzando Mozilla, Seamonkey o Thunderbird.


I files contenenti le rubriche si chiamano, solitamente abook*.mab, e non è facile definire la directory in cui si trovano per posizionarli in una condivisione.

Inoltre i file abook*.mab devono essere modificabili: Thunderbird si rifiuta di aprirli se non ha accesso in scrittura a tali files.

I profili utente invece possono essere esportati in una condivisione. Verrà pertanto sfruttata questa possibilità, ovvero verrà creato un profilo su una condivisione linux, e periodicamente verranno sovrascritte le rubriche degli utenti con le rubriche condivise aggiornate dal/dai responsabile/i.

Configurazione Thunderbird per Windows

Tralascio la configurazione degli altri mail client e degli altri sistemi operativi, in quanto la configurazione risulta analoga.

  • Avvio -> Mozilla Thunderbird -> Profiles
  • Se si sta utilizzando il profilo di default (non editabile), creare un nuovo profilo, quindi scegliere come cartella in cui deve essere creato, la directory mozilla (da creare) nella condivisione linux corrispondente all'utente (ad esempio \\linux\nomeutente\mozilla)
  • Avviare Thunderbird, quindi reimpostare gli account di posta, eccetera.
  • Avviare la rubrica, e selezionare File -> Nuovo -> Rubrica, assegnando un nome a ciascuna rubrica, tante volte quante sono le rubriche che si vogliono condividere.
  • Creare uno script che quotidianamente sovrascrive le rubriche degli utenti con quelle aggiornate.

18 Powerful Benefits Of Regular Physical Activity

I was talking with a friend recently, and she was telling me how, during the winter time, when she would go to the gym, the place would be so empty, with only a few people, and how, when spring came, with summer also approaching, the place starting getting so crowded, and there were days when you just couldnt stretch your arms without hitting somebody, and it would be impossible for you to exercise and enjoy your time there.

[18 Powerful Benefits Of Regular Physical Activity]

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This Larger Thing in the World

Mildred Howard sees things differently. Over 20 years ago, she created "Rene di Rosa", a house made out of glass bottles. That was her first of several bottle houses that have each made powerful, beautiful political and social statements. As an artist, community organizer, and leader, Mildreds colourful life embodies radical change. In this interview with Works & Conversations, Mildred speaks about her current work with the Edible Schoolyard and how "this larger thing in the world" is building a strong foundation for both inner and outer transformation.

[This Larger Thing in the World]

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A Reason To Celebrate

Numbly, I left my husband, Marty, at the hospital where I had been visiting two of my children and headed for the grocery store. Since it was eleven p.m., I drove to the only store I knew was open twenty-four hours a day. I turned my car motor off and rested my head against the seat.

[A Reason To Celebrate]

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Paths Are Made By Walking

2012s Baccalaureate speaker at the University of Pennsylvania was an unconventional choice for an Ivy League school. To address their newly-minted graduates, aspiring to dazzling careers, they picked a man who has never in his adult life, applied for a job. A man who hasnt worked for pay in nearly a decade, and whose self-stated mission is simply "to bring smiles to the world and stillness to my heart".

[Paths Are Made By Walking]

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9 Steps to Achieving Flow (and Happiness) at Work

[Flow means] being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. --Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

[9 Steps to Achieving Flow (and Happiness) at Work]

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