
Differenze tra le versioni di "CenaLugVeneti2011"

Da MontelLUG WIKI.

(minor updates)
Riga 100: Riga 100:
| Il prossimo || *        || * || 1
| Il prossimo || *        || * || 1
== How to Be Happy: The Fine Print ==
Most of us want to be happy and stay that way, and research from positive psychology has shown that making a habit of certain day-to-day activities -- like expressing gratitude, exercising, or performing acts of kindness -- can help us get there. But few researchers have considered how to identify an activity thats best suited to your particular personality and lifestyle. Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, started to explore these questions ...
[[ How to Be Happy: The Fine Print]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== White dress, green wedding ==
Lindsey Gehl and Ryan Bell have a vision of their June wedding being white - and green, too.The 27-year-olds will pledge their troth in a traditional ceremony, followed by a reception amid the scenic trails and wildlife habitats of the Pilcher Park Nature Center in Joliet, Illinois, to which theyre donating $600.
[[ White dress, green wedding]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Guerilla Gardener Plants Joy in Potholes ==
Theyre the bane of cyclists and motorists alike, but one urban gardener has grown a fondness for potholes after deciding to spruce up cities around Europe by filling them up with miniature flower arrangements. Australian Steve Wheen, 34, who lives in London, has been using flowers and small-scale objects to transform urban potholes for the last three years. The self-styled guerrilla gardener has created mini gardens all around his home city but has now decided to bring joy to commuters across Europe with his unusual pothole creations.
[[ Guerilla Gardener Plants Joy in Potholes]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== A Homeless Woman Bought Me A Coffee! ==
My father and I started our morning by darting into the local grocery store. I waited on line at the Starbucks counter while he shopped around to pick up a few things.
[[ A Homeless Woman Bought Me A Coffee!]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== A Quick Guide To The Art of Listening ==
The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them. Ralph Nichols
[[ A Quick Guide To The Art of Listening]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]

Versione delle 23:37, 8 ott 2012

Cena Lug Veneti

(Inutile) Introduzione

Ogni venerdì 17 che si rispetti ha la sua cena dei Lug veneti. La data non viene scelta, come sostiene qualche voce di corridoio, perché gli informatici non siano superstiziosi, bensì il per il motivo opposto: il vero nerd crede in una sola regola immutabile, la famigerata "legge di Murphy". Ciò comporta che:

  • il server, che ha sempre funzionato perfettamente durante tutti i test, va sistematicamente a farsi benedire quando è ora di entrare in produzione;
  • un programma pronto da dare al cliente presenterà immancabilmente un bug misterioso il giorno della presentazione al committente che farà fare (nel caso migliore) una pessima figura davanti a tutti. Tale bug inoltre non si ripresenterà più nei giorni seguenti quando si tenterà invano di stanarlo;
  • gli esempi si possono facilmente estendere ad altri settori dell'informatica...

Per qualche strano motivo i venerdì 17 la legge di Murphy sospende il suo effetto e i nerd escono allo scoperto dalle loro sale CED per qualche ora d'aria senza doversi preoccupare di cosa succederà ai loro server o a tutte le calamità possibili che possono succedere al sistema di backup.

Almeno così narra la leggenda...

La cena

Per riunire almeno ogni tanto i gruppi che si occupano di Linux e dintorni (software libero, trashware, condivisione della conoscenza informatica, sistemi operativi alternativi, eccetera) e scambiare un po' di idee (cosa che purtroppo avviene troppo di rado) il MontelLUG organizza la tradizionale cena dei Lug Veneti di venerdì 17.


Il giorno prefissato è il prossimo venerdì 17 giugno 2011 alle ore 21:00 (meglio se si arriva un po' prima)


Agriturismo Ca' Nea in Via Boscalto, 86 - Resana (TV).


Mappa: all'incirca qui



  • soppressa dalla cantina con sottaceti
  • pancetta stagionata in cantina
  • insalatina di sedano e ananas
  • crostino con lardo aromatizzato de casada


  • risotto alle verdure primaverili
  • gnocchi con pomodoro fresco e rucola


  • straccetti di maiale ai peperoni
  • tagliata di roastbeef di manzo


  • patate al rosmarino
  • verdure saltate in padella

Prezzo: 25,00 €, incluso coperto con pane fatto in casa, acqua, vino rosso e caffè. Dolce escluso, ma le trattative dovrebbero essere ancora in corso.


Iscrizioni, se possibile, entro lunedi' 13/06/2011

Matteo Odeeno MontelLUG 2 (me medesimo e consorte)
Samuele Z. che palle co sto nick MontelLUG 1
Luca Syslac MontelLUG 1
Il Presidente Daneel Olivaw MontelLUG 1
Diego R. Panda MontelLUG 1
Luca remix_tj TvLUG 1
Manuel Dalla Lana EndelWar MontelLUG 1
Gianluca Giammy Faber 1
Mauro MrFor11 GrappaLUG 1
Claudio Ferronato * GrappaLUG 1
Nicola Bisinella Nirvana98 GrappaLUG 1
Mauro Baldrani papolinux AViLUG 1
Andrea D.R. manichen Faber 2
Antonio A' MontelLUG 2
DareDevil *BSD GUFI 1
Francesco A. Agno MontelLUG 1
Matteo Zaffonato zaffo AViLUG 1
Silvia MontelLUG 1
Andrea Lazzarotto Lazza GrappaLUG 1 (scusate il ritardo XD)
Piergiovanna Piergio Faber 1
Mauro Malveo Independent Associated 1
Il prossimo * * 1

How to Be Happy: The Fine Print

Most of us want to be happy and stay that way, and research from positive psychology has shown that making a habit of certain day-to-day activities -- like expressing gratitude, exercising, or performing acts of kindness -- can help us get there. But few researchers have considered how to identify an activity thats best suited to your particular personality and lifestyle. Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, started to explore these questions ...

[How to Be Happy: The Fine Print]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

White dress, green wedding

Lindsey Gehl and Ryan Bell have a vision of their June wedding being white - and green, too.The 27-year-olds will pledge their troth in a traditional ceremony, followed by a reception amid the scenic trails and wildlife habitats of the Pilcher Park Nature Center in Joliet, Illinois, to which theyre donating $600.

[White dress, green wedding]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

Guerilla Gardener Plants Joy in Potholes

Theyre the bane of cyclists and motorists alike, but one urban gardener has grown a fondness for potholes after deciding to spruce up cities around Europe by filling them up with miniature flower arrangements. Australian Steve Wheen, 34, who lives in London, has been using flowers and small-scale objects to transform urban potholes for the last three years. The self-styled guerrilla gardener has created mini gardens all around his home city but has now decided to bring joy to commuters across Europe with his unusual pothole creations.

[Guerilla Gardener Plants Joy in Potholes]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

A Homeless Woman Bought Me A Coffee!

My father and I started our morning by darting into the local grocery store. I waited on line at the Starbucks counter while he shopped around to pick up a few things.

[A Homeless Woman Bought Me A Coffee!]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

A Quick Guide To The Art of Listening

The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them. Ralph Nichols

[A Quick Guide To The Art of Listening]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]