
Differenze tra le versioni di "Cena estiva"

Da MontelLUG WIKI.

(minor updates)
Riga 51: Riga 51:
Totale, 13 persone
Totale, 13 persone
== Why Creative Thinking is Inclusive Thinking ==
"Albert Einstein was once asked what the difference was between him and the average person. He said that if you asked the average person to find a needle in the haystack, the person would stop when he or she found a needle. He, on the other hand, would tear through the entire haystack looking for all the possible needles.
[[ Why Creative Thinking is Inclusive Thinking]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 3 Little Monks and a Moment of Truth ==
I was introduced to him about seven minutes before the start of a meditation gathering in a modest Mumbai home. "This is Ankur," our host Sachi had said, with the catching enthusiasm shes known and loved for, "Hes an amazing photographer and has recently gone totally gift economy."
[[ 3 Little Monks and a Moment of Truth]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 3 Things You Can Say to Someone Who Does Not Like You ==
I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, its beautiful. If not, it cant be helped. Fritz Perls
[[ 3 Things You Can Say to Someone Who Does Not Like You]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance ==
We all want abundance in some form or another, whether it is wealth in the monetary sense to being richly blessed with meaningful relationships or even to achieve self-mastery the wealth of spirit. In this past decade, and, even prior to that, we have been introduced to the idea of the Law of Attraction with popular books such as The Secret and the Jerry and fEsther Hicks series, just to name a few.
[[ 7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Its More Important to Be Kind Than Clever ==
Brandon Cook, from Wilton, New Hampshire, was visiting his grandmother in the hospital. Terribly ill with cancer, she complained to her grandson that she desperately wanted a bowl of soup, and that the hospitals soup was inedible (she used saltier language). If only she could get a bowl of her favorite clam chowder from Panera Bread! Trouble was, Panera only sells clam chowder on Friday. So Brandon called the nearby Panera and talked to store manager Suzanne Fortier.
[[ Its More Important to Be Kind Than Clever]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]

Versione delle 23:38, 8 ott 2012

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Propongo qui nel wiki la possibilità di organizzare una cena in un tempo prossimo:


Dietro consiglio di alcuni, e vista la vicinanza con l'ultimo Porcellinux che come sempre il Druido organizza al meglio, abbiamo pensato a qualcosa di alternativo rispetto all'ottima porchetta di Ostinati, che sarà un posto bello e sociale, che prepara piatti ottimi e che ci fornisce ottima birra... ma che ormai è la n-sima volta che ci ospita, inclusi i giovedì sera... Ogni tanto è bello cambiare e sperimentare come abbiam fatto con la pizza.

A grande richiesta è stata accolta la proposta GRIGLIATA, quindi:

La cena si svolgerà al Ristorante-Trattoria ALLA ROA, in Via Cesare Battisti a Volpago Del Montello (cioè dentro al MONTELLO). Dovrebbe essere la PRESA 10 o lì vicino.

Menu e prezzi

MENU APPROX, dietro mio contatto e prezzo speciale:


TOTALE 18 euro



Se venite da Montebelluna, arrivate a Volpago, al curvone dopo il centro girate a SINISTRA e andate su per il Montello. Raggiunta la dorsale, girate a destra direzione Nervesa DB e nel giro di un chilometro circa troverete sulla vostra sinistra VIA BATTISTI e l'INDICAZIONE TRATTORIA ALLA ROA o PRATO FIORITO. Dovrebbe essere la presa 10 o lì vicino.

Per chi arriva da dietro, tipo cdron e paolo, potete venire direttamente senza passare per montebelluna. Arrivati a casa brusada, girate verso ciano del montello, prendendo la panoramica. Due sono le alternative: o salite sulla presa 10 (dovrebbe essere indicata ALLA ROA o Prato Fiorito), oppure per stare sicuri, salite sulla 14 che è qualche chilometro prima, fino a S MARIA DELLA VITTORIA,poi proseguite sulla dorsale verso DESTRA. All'altezza della presa dieci troverete una insegna che indica la trattoria: è una laterale che scende sulla destra.

La piantina dal duomo di Montebelluna è qui.

Comunque per chi vuole ci aspettiamo intorno alle 20:20 al Duomo di Mbelluna. Il posto dista circa 10 km.


Paolo Subiaco mesfet
David Berno + consorte
Daneel Olivaw
EndelWar + 3 amici
Alberto Camerotto (Sir.Came)

Totale, 13 persone

Why Creative Thinking is Inclusive Thinking

"Albert Einstein was once asked what the difference was between him and the average person. He said that if you asked the average person to find a needle in the haystack, the person would stop when he or she found a needle. He, on the other hand, would tear through the entire haystack looking for all the possible needles. 
[Why Creative Thinking is Inclusive Thinking]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

3 Little Monks and a Moment of Truth

I was introduced to him about seven minutes before the start of a meditation gathering in a modest Mumbai home. "This is Ankur," our host Sachi had said, with the catching enthusiasm shes known and loved for, "Hes an amazing photographer and has recently gone totally gift economy."

[3 Little Monks and a Moment of Truth]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

3 Things You Can Say to Someone Who Does Not Like You

I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, its beautiful. If not, it cant be helped. Fritz Perls

[3 Things You Can Say to Someone Who Does Not Like You]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance

We all want abundance in some form or another, whether it is wealth in the monetary sense to being richly blessed with meaningful relationships or even to achieve self-mastery the wealth of spirit. In this past decade, and, even prior to that, we have been introduced to the idea of the Law of Attraction with popular books such as The Secret and the Jerry and fEsther Hicks series, just to name a few.

[7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]

Its More Important to Be Kind Than Clever

Brandon Cook, from Wilton, New Hampshire, was visiting his grandmother in the hospital. Terribly ill with cancer, she complained to her grandson that she desperately wanted a bowl of soup, and that the hospitals soup was inedible (she used saltier language). If only she could get a bowl of her favorite clam chowder from Panera Bread! Trouble was, Panera only sells clam chowder on Friday. So Brandon called the nearby Panera and talked to store manager Suzanne Fortier.

[Its More Important to Be Kind Than Clever]

[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]